Amy Attaway

Paper Profile: Amy Attaway


Amy Attaway


Associate Director of the Apprentice/Intern Company at Actors Theatre; Co-Artistic Director of Theatre [502]


34 years old



What inspired you to do a play about sleeping?  

The idea for the play started with the flying, and we looked for a subject that would complement that theatrical device.  The idea about sleep science came from dramaturg and co-conceiver Sarah Lunnie.  She participated in a sleep study and became fascinated with the technology and mystery involved in mapping brain activity during sleep.


Have you ever had any dreams (or nightmares) that have stuck with you days or weeks later? Any recurring dreams?

I might have the nerdiest dreams imaginable.  I always, always dream about packing.  Sometimes packing because I’m in some sort of danger and I have to run away, and sometimes just packing my lunch.


Do you ever have trouble sleeping? If so, what do you do to get some rest?

I do have trouble sleeping, especially when I know I should sleep.  I usually just keep working until I absolutely can’t keep my eyes open … probably not healthy at all, but that’s how I roll.


Speaking of sleeping and the Humana Festival… Do you get any while it’s happening?

Well… no.  Nope.  Pretty much never.  We always tell the apprentices that once we start rehearsals they’ll blink and the Festival will be over.  It’s absolutely true — it’s one big long roller coaster, and there is no getting off until it’s over!  Sarah and I often talk about this irony … every sleep scientist we’ve read and talked to preaches about the sleep deficit in our culture. And in order to make this play about sleep, we’re depriving ourselves of sleep.


 I had a dream I was driving a black Camaro and I rear-ended someone while changing channels on the radio. What do you think that’s about?

Your subconscious is telling you to slow the F down.  Or to get a new car with really, really good insurance.


Do you think it is interesting to hear about other people’s dreams?

YES.  Especially now that I’ve read so much about what our brains might actually be doing when we dream.  Sleep and dreaming takes up a third of our lives, but it’s so private and strange that people never talk about it.  I think it’s fascinating to learn about the secret subconscious life of people I think I already know.


What are your “big dreams”?

Is this a trick question?


Speaking of sleep, are you tired of these questions yet?

Freakishly, no.  It was all I could do up there in number 6 to not launch into a lecture about what your brain is doing while you sleep, and the purpose of dreams according to different cultures.  It’s only in the past 15 or 20 years that sleep science has moved out of the land of psychology and into the land of neuroscience.  There isn’t even a long “-ology” name for sleep science. There are a ton of things we still don’t know, but we’re learning more all the time.  I could really fill all your column inches with an essay about how fascinating all of this stuff is to me.  So, any time. Bring it on.  But not until after Humana … I need to get some sleep.

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