Deal With: The New Year
Timothy Tidwhistle is an assumed name, but rest assured he is a very real person. If you need advice send us a message at —Mgmt.
Timothy Tidwhistle is an assumed name, but rest assured he is a very real person. If you need advice send us a message at —Mgmt.
What is the appropriate remedy for a nasty bout of melancholy? It might be that the cold weather has appropriately returned this winter, or the fact that I just turned 30th and my life plan (ha!) is a bit astray … Continue reading
Ohio Valley Creative Energy plans on turning Garbage into art “It’s been done before.” Are there any words more discouraging to an aspiring young artist? So much value is placed on originality—of subjects, ideas, concepts, and techniques—that “the anxiety of … Continue reading
You love movies? Want to support the local film scene and expand your cinema knowledge? Here are some tips!
A visit to Highland Cleaners Discovery Center on Bardstown Road.
If you’re looking towards downtown Louisville from just a few miles off, a layer of brown smog lingers above the peaks of the skyline. It may seem that Metro Louisville is immune from the pollution of a metropolis like Los … Continue reading
From the moment a woman in the United States gets that life-changing reading on a little plastic stick, discovering she is pregnant, there are decisions big and small to be made. Such as, how she will exit the bathroom? Will … Continue reading
“Bourbon,” my cousin has just argued, in one word heightening both the appeal and the repulsiveness of moving to Louisville to work with her in a building bourbon built. I have never been to Louisville. Nor has my cup ever … Continue reading